Ultra Soy Extract 60 vegetarian capsules

Ultra Soy Extract 60 vegetarian capsules

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Soy is well known as a staple of plant-based diets. But soy benefits go far beyond that: soy promotes healthy cell division, supports longevity and helps maintain heart health. Soy’s health benefits come from hormone-modulating and antioxidant-rich isoflavone compounds found in soy extract.

Stack the longevity odds in your favor with our soy isoflavone anti-aging supplement, which promotes healthy cell function.

Ultra Soy Extract Benefits

  • Promotes healthy cell division and function
  • Mimics benefits of a soy-based longevity diet
  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Can help maintain a healthy blood lipid profile
  • Made with a soy extract standardized to both soy isoflavones genistein & daidzein